Friday, August 1, 2008

ugh, why do they make it so complicated....

So tonight... I'm a little tired, shot a 10 hour wedding but need to import and back up files before bed.

I open lightroom 1.4 and need to export my images from the engagement session( in main catalog) and create a catalog with their engagement images and of tonights wedding. Easy right?

Not when your tired...

So I goto to the folder I wanted exported> right click>export this folder as catalog

A dialog box opens up. I tell it where I want it and also what I want to name it. But!!! Below that you can check or uncheck 2 boxes, export negative files and include available previews.

Export negative files? What's that mean? I look it up and it tells me:
"“Negative files” refers to the original files that were imported into Lightroom."

HUH? I think I know what that means but wasn't a 100% sure.

So I did some research which took me a minute or 2, but most people said the same thing as adobe. but then I finally understood!

Why didn't they find an easier way to say, "move your original files with catalog"

So If I was trying to export it all onto backup hard drive I would check the box. But if I wanted to keep it in the same place but create a catalog with those images I would uncheck it.

Why make it so complicated?