Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Finally - Multi-size, multi-images....

So.... One of my biggest complaints about Lightroom is the Print Module. When I print I wasn't able to multiple images with multiple different sizes on the same piece of paper until....
And although I would like to take credit, I cannot. :)

Matt made a video on his website, Lightroom Killer Tips :


The print module still has its issues for me but this may speed up my workflow. Less Photoshop and more Lightroom.

Let me know what you think.



Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lightroom Cropping....

Ever wanted a different grid overlay when you were cropping or somehow it change from the original thirds grid?

press the letter "o" and it will cycle through all of the grid overlay options.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Lightroom - speeding things up....

Qucik tip to speed up Lightroom:

Goto Edit>Prefrences>File handling Tab

Increase the size, by default mine was at 1 GB. I increased mine to 20 gb (I had 50 gigs free on that particular drive.) Make sure you have plenty of room left on your system drive if you increase your cache.
